What makes a decent game icon?

I don’t know! Icons are always tough. I did a post about designing the WoodChopper icon many years ago and I felt like just being able to write down everything helped me put it all together. Developing the game has taken a while, so assets have changed, the look of the marketing graphics have changed and of course the icon …

The Graphical journey of GunTruck, so far

As we started development on our new game, we spent about a week preparing a visual image to strive towards with the game. These are pretty common practise in game development and they’re often pretty polished videos, used in pitching and conceptualization. These are usually called target renders. For our use just a static image that looks like it could …

What is GunTruck?

GunTruck started out as a simple game: a car with intuitive two-button controls, a turret that aims at enemies automatically and AI controlled enemies that charge at you in various ways. A simple arcade-style score chasing game at its core. On paper this sounded like a six month project, but a few years later, we’re still at it. Of course …