Wow. Hi! You may remember our blog from way back. This is where we chronicled the comings and goings of our company, as well as posted all sorts of development tidbits pertaining to our first game, WoodChopper. A few years may have passed since we last posted, but we’re now back and are on the last stretch on our newest …
Calm Before the Storm
This week’s post is a bit lighter on content, because (actual) work is starting to pile up. As we’re closing in on the summer season, the release of WoodChopper draws ever closer. It’s been fun to put up a series of proper blog posts during the last few months, but things will wind down a bit on the blog side …
New head office
This the beginning of our second week in our new home. We have moved temporarily to the office of Lappeenranta University of Technology Entrepreneurship Society, or LUTES. Which is a organization led by students promoting entrepreneurship. We had applied for their Summer Launchpad -startup program, which is held in the same building, and took a bit of a head start. …
The Many Faces of the Sun
The sun has gone through varying degrees of importance in WoodChopper. It played a pivotal role when we were still planning on using something we called the ‘happiness mechanic’. The core idea of it was that the look and feel of the world would change according to how the player was behaving. We’ll have a separate blog post on that …
Making of: The Loading Screen
Posted on March 31, 2014 by Saku Hatakka We were in desperate need of a fun picture to use as a loading screen. A black screen that says ‘Loading…’ in the lower right corner doesn’t really inspire you to go explore the levels of WoodChopper. I figured that if I put in enough effort, the same image could also be …
The Forgotten Characters of Canadia, Part II
Continuing on with our cavalcade of compromised characters, this time I’m showing characters that we’ve been planning to use in our underground levels. Initially there was a lot of talk about moving the bulk of the gameplay into the mines, so that would’ve called for some more down-to-earth characters. (Pun intended.) Since we already had the lumberjack cutting down …
The Forgotten Characters of Canadia, Part I
Lots of silly characters inhabit the fictional world of Canadia, but only some of them make the cut and get to have a role in WoodChopper. We’ll be posting a multi-part list of some of the characters that are on the chopping board (no chopper pun intended). We’re never ruling out adding in characters later, but that depends on how …
The travels of Woodchopper in 2013, Part I
I have to say, when I first got into making games I didn’t think it would involve so much traveling. Since I was deemed the least socially inept of our team, I’ve been mostly responsible for representing Headnought at various events. Pocket Gamer Mobile Mixer in Helsinki, Finland, 12 November My first outing was as far as Helsinki, and I …
The Path to an Iconic App Icon
The icon is a hugely important part of getting visibility for your game, and like every other aspect of WoodChopper, it has gone through various iterations. All the notable mobile app stores have so much content on offer that standing out can be a huge challenge for a small developer. Below I’m going briefly walk through the different versions and …
Welcome to the Headnought blog!
Hi! You’re now reading the inaugural post of our development blog. We figured that if we would be able to write down and document interesting pointers during our first game’s development arc (and beyond!), you could hopefully learn from our mistakes and perhaps get some new ideas of your own. We have a vague idea of what we want to …