What makes a decent game icon?
I don’t know! Icons are always tough. I did a post about designing the WoodChopper icon many years ago and…

The Graphical journey of GunTruck, so far
As we started development on our new game, we spent about a week preparing a visual image to strive towards…

What is GunTruck?
GunTruck started out as a simple game: a car with intuitive two-button controls, a turret that aims at enemies automatically…

Still kicking
Wow. Hi! You may remember our blog from way back. This is where we chronicled the comings and goings of…

Calm Before the Storm
This week’s post is a bit lighter on content, because (actual) work is starting to pile up. As we’re closing…
New head office
This the beginning of our second week in our new home. We have moved temporarily to the office of Lappeenranta…